How do I register for ECCMID 2018?
In order to register for the congress, please use the online registration.
How can I pay the registration fees? Payment of registration fees can be made by credit card or bank transfer. For full details, please check the registration page.
Can I receive an invoice under the sponsoring company/hospital’s name?Yes. If you require an invoice to be issued to the sponsoring company, please indicate the respective address during the online registration process.
Can I register for the conference without paying?No, your online registration has to be finalised either by credit card or bank transfer.
Can I register before the early rate deadline and pay later?No. In order to benefit from the early reduced registration fee, payment must be received latest to the deadline.
Can I register onsite? Yes. You can register during the congress days. Onsite fees will apply and should be paid directly by credit card or in cash.
What does my registration fee include?For full detailed entitlements, please check the registration page.
Will I receive a confirmation letter after I have finished registering?Yes. A detailed confirmation letter and receipt will be sent to you by email as soon as payment is received and registration is completed.
How can I register a group?In order to make a group registration please check the registration page. It contains all important information as well as the link to start the registration. In case of questions, please contact the registration department under eccmidregistration[at]escmid.org
Invitation Letters & Visa Applications
How do I apply for a visa?Visa regulations depend on your nationality and country of origin. Please contact your local Consulate or Embassy for official instructions on the specific visa regulations and application procedures that apply to you.
Is it possible to send an official invitation letter directly to my local Consulate / Embassy?Unfortunately we are unable to send invitation letters directly to the foreign consulates or embassies. Invitation letters can be requested during the online registration and will be e-mailed as PDF after payment has been received. If you need further assistance, please contact the registration department at eccmidregistration[at]escmid.org